I guess it
is kind of a bitter title. And I do not wish to take away one ounce of pleasure from my daughter's lovely memories of the place. We bought a California Resident Annual Pass to Disney last year, since we live here now, and while it's a delight to bring her to the "happiest place," it's expensive and exhausting and hot and over-stimulating and there's really not much to eat and these passes are going to expire soon and I think my darling dear precious Meg might murder me in my sleep if we do not renew them (thus my theory that Disney is no more than a tax on having children in CA). I used to spend days with my Meg in New York City or at the Bronx Zoo, or one of the lovely organic farms in New York--activities which we both enjoyed--and now we go to Disneyland.

Last week, my husband took a much needed day off from work and decided it would be a great Disney Day. Grrreaaaat idea, babe. Sigh. . . Well, Meg had a fantastic time, especially because her cousins came along. But I admit to dragging my ill-shoed feet around the park (they still hurt four days later), wondering what I could be doing (or eating) on a spring day in Central Park. Probably the Sheep Meadow and a veggie on whole wheat from Lenny's. . .
I decided to photograph the most inspirational and impressive garden features at Disneyland. Since Disney is known world-wide for it's stunning gardens, I thought I'd find
something there to share with blog-world. And so, here are my selections from about 100 photos that I came home with (about 5 of those contained children):
This is a boxwood hedge trimmed to look like a beautiful garden wall:
This boxwood giraffe is 20-30 feet tall! I remember these guys from my childhood--they seemed so magical to me. Now you can pick up your own animal boxwood at Armstrong Nursery!
These arches are so pretty and are grown through with roses! This is taken on my "little camera" so I wasn't able to grab the colors. . .
This entire scene is in miniature. The trees are bonsai and those Italian Cypresses are only about a foot tall:
Attention to darling details:
This is fascinating to me, I wonder how this was done and who loves this wall so much? This was one of about 12 sections like this"
A family favorite is the Alice Teacup ride. The colorful hanging lanterns are so festive and pretty. Also, they are hung among climbing trumpet vines.
I have been trying to perfect the mixed garden for years and here is a perfect example. What a gorgeous combination of colors, heights and textures. Mine never looks like this:
So, apart from the fact that this is an amazing urn, I spent no small amount of time speculating not the cost of the vessel, but what the cost of delivery might be if I bought one like it. . .
More climbing roses. I adore climbing roses! These might be Cecil Bruners, which are really pretty, light pink and fast-growing:
Disney wiped me out--wiped us all out. I'm glad to have put a few days between me and the mouse before loading the pictures and writing with a new attitude. The place doesn't look so bad now. . . not that I'll be returning anytime soon.
Who are we kidding? I have an annual pass and a 4-year old. I'll be back within the month. And I adore the little smiles, so I guess I'm fated for a few years yet!